Positive Phil Show

Stay positive in every situation and everything you do. Travis Kimmel is the CEO, co-founder and product visionary behind GitPrime.



Positive Phil has interviewed some of the most accomplished people on the planet and they all live life with ambition and passion.. Here’s what they all have in common.‘’The program consists of interviews with positive people and thought leaders, as well as others in the social, business and entertainment community.Travis Kimmel is the CEO, co-founder and product visionary behind GitPrime. He is a Y Combinator alumni, experienced in building high-performing teams, and empowering people to do their best work of their careers. Our Mission Is To Spread Positive Values and Inspiring Stories of Entrepreneurship.If you look at any modern organization, you’ll find that Marketing, Sales, Operations, and Finance have all been transformed in recent years by software that allows teams to move faster and measure the effectiveness of their activity. For all of the improvements that developers have brought other industries—in the form of efficiency, visibility, and metrics—very has been done to offer that same level of vis