Luke And Susie Podcast

Nigel Marsh - Smart, Stupid & Sixty



Twenty years ago, Nigel Marsh was an overweight mortgage slave struggling to balance a career, marriage and four children under eight. Until he lost his job. In Fat, Forty and Fired, Nigel wrote about falling off the corporate hamster wheel and surviving. Now that he’s approaching sixty, he can’t help but notice it’s been a while since he stepped onto that wheel with other hamsters. One day he reads that a graduate trainee who used to work for him in London is now a global CEO with an office on the top floor of a skyscraper in New York. Nigel, by contrast, is wearing a dressing-gown and sitting at his writing desk in his garage in Sydney. It’s enough to give anyone a moment of self-doubt! In his memoir for his sixth decade on earth, Nigel ponders ageing well, sex, parenting adult children, his parents’ passing, and the secret to his living a happy life. By turns humorous, thought-provoking, poignant and life-affirming, Smart, Stupid and Sixty is a celebration of the third trimester as a privilege to be enjoye