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(Summit Replays) Robert Fragoso "Fix & Flip"



Bio: Robert Fragoso has been exposed to real estate investing from an early age. Having grown up in Hollywood, CA his exposure to the urban lifestyle came at an early age. Growing up with his parents in their self managed apartment building gave him early experience into the real life working scenario's regarding owning real estate. At the age of 17 a chance meeting introduced him to an experienced real estate investor which mentored him. Within the first 30 days, Robert started finding opportunities for him to purchase. Shortly thereafter, Robert expanded his network of investors and met one which allowed him to begin flipping his own properties. Due to market conditions, Robert found opportunity in apartment buildings caused by the exit of aerospace and the closing of military bases in California which had created a high vacancy rate. Understanding this was a temporary problem, Robert raised funds and started syndicating apartment buildings in the Long Beach area. In 1996 the opportunity arose to assist man