Lee Honish | Honishreport

(Realtor Edition) Elections, Civil War and What that means to Real Estate | David Bartels | Lee Honish | Everhome.io



(Realtor Edition) Elections, Civil War and What that means to Real Estate | David Bartels | Lee Honish | Everhome.ioWhat Georgia's election results could mean for US housing policyInmanWhat Georgia's election results could mean for US housing policy•In addition to breaking a 56-year run by Republican representatives and electing the state’s first Black senator, the election of Warnock and Ossoff would tip the scales back in the Democrats favoroAgenda and policy without republicans oThey would still need some form of republican backing for approvals•The most urgent piece of legislation on the line is the Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard E. Neal’s (D-MA) Caring for Americans with Supplemental Help (CASH) Act of 2020. The CASH Act proposes $2,000 stimulus checks for individuals, $4,000 for married couples who filed joint tax returns, and $2,000 per dependent.•President Donald Trump signed a $900B COVID-19 relief bill on Dec. 29, which extended the Centers for Disease Control’s national eviction moratori