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Consumers read 10 reviews first! What's your review strategy?Consumers increasingly write, read and follow online web assessments. So, have you accepted reviews as a part of your communication with the market? Here are a few compelling reasons why you shouldBY LISA SUAZO1. Are customers paying attention to online reviews of local businesses?Yep — and they are doing it in increasing numbers. From 2019 to 2020, the percentage of consumers who checked out online reviews of businesses of interest rose from 81 percent to 87 percent. Or, put another way, only one in 10 do not.2. How many reviews do consumers need to trust a business? For the past three years, the average consumer has read 10 reviews before taking the plunge and engaging a particular business. I think this number and frequency comes as a surprise to many of us.3. What percentage of customers asked to leave reviews actually do?I often come across agents who feel that they are bothering their clients by asking them to write a review. However the surve