Next Level Living With Chrissy Helmer

Courage over Comfort with Jonathan Rios (ep #220)



Jonathan is a licensed psychotherapist who is deeply committed to remaining undomesticated. He once bungee jumped over the Nile river, dirt biked through Tanzania, trained in the mountains with a Navy Seal, played Soccer in Northern Ireland, & is a military academy graduate.  He & his dream girl have fostered 13 teenage boys while also successfully siring 4 daughters of their own. His core motivation in life is to live courageously having fulfilled his purpose with excellence. In his free time he is a blogger, author, & a mediocre white belt in Jiu jitsu. He is currently in private practice. My conversation with Jonathan will inspire you to do better and be better in every area of your life.  We discuss the attack on masculinity , why being nice is dangerous and much more.  Jonathan has some great tips for moms, wives, parents and men. There is some gold in this podcast for everyone! Make sure to follow @primalvirtues on Instagram and check out his upcoming in person primal passage course.