Trace Evidence

036 - The Disappearance of Suzanne Lyall



Nineteen year old Suzanne Lyall was an accomplished poet and computer whiz attending the State University of New York at Albany. Majoring in computer science, she was cutting the path for a bright future full of joy and love. Along with her boyfriend, Richard, she was setting her goals high and looking to achieve all of her dreams. On March 2nd, 1998, Suzanne took an important mid-term and then reported to her job for her 4pm shift. She seemed a little more relaxed this day and was focused on getting her work done. She had another mid-term the next day. She left the Crossgates Mall at 9:20pm, boarding a bus to drop her off on campus at 9:45. A witness saw Suzanne exiting the bus that night, but she was never seen again. Over the next twenty years, investigators have struggled to solve her bizarre disappearance with little evidence and even less witnesses. Everyone in her life would become a suspect with many zeroing in on her long time boyfriend, Richard Condon. In the wake of her disappearance, her broken fa