Trace Evidence

039 - The Mysterious Death of Elisa Lam



Twenty-one year old Elisa Lam decided to take a break from college. She wanted to take a trip, out of Canada and down into the United States to see California. Her trip involved stops in San Diego, Los Angeles and Santa Cruz. Embarking on her trip in January of 2013, Elisa visited San Diego and then went to Los Angeles where she had booked a three day stay in the notorious Cecil Hotel, at that time known as the Stay on Main Street. She shared a room with two roommates, but was moved after reports of 'odd behavior.' Having maintained contact with her family every day, they grew worried when on January 31st, she failed to call and they couldn't reach her. Elisa was reported missing, and a fervent search began. When no trace of Elisa could be found, police released surveillance footage from an elevator at the Cecil showing Elisa behaving erratically. The video sparked a wide array of theories, and a heated debate about whether Elisa was hiding from someone, or perhaps, on drugs. Nearly three weeks after she vani