Trace Evidence

055 - The Disappearance of Tionda and Diamond Bradley



On July 6th, 2001, ten year old Tionda Bradley was looking after her three year old sister, Diamond while their mother, Tracey went to work.  The children were reportedly last seen by their mother at 6:30am, and when she returned home at 12:30 they were nowhere to be found.  All that was discovered was a note, allegedly written by Tionda, saying that the girls were going to walk to the store and then a nearby school.Tracey searched for the girls, and didn't call the police until 6:30 that evening, at which point they had been missing for at least six hours.  Investigators launched one of the largest searches in Chicago history, but the wider their radius grew, the more they felt the answers may reside closer to home.  There were suspicions early on of Tracey and the man she was seeing, George Washington, Diamond's father.  The note didn't make sense, and a voice mail discovered later, left by Tionda the day they vanished, stated that a man named George was at the door. The family was divided about what they