Emily Jordan Radio

035 | Guest: CAPRISHA RICHARDS on Gut Health, Femininity & Self-Discovery



After a brief hiatus to regroup and refocus on what I want this podcast to be about, WE. ARE. BACK!  And we're back WITH A BANG- Caprisha Richards, Holistic Wellness Expert, my b-day twin, and all around high-vibin' soul sister who has done some serious inner work that I can't wait for you to listen to in this episode! In addition to learning about Caprisha's personal experiences, here's what else we cover in this episode: how self-healing/transformation really works a powerful exercise that changed her life being feminine in a masculine society screaming out loud alone in your car what are "gut health issues" why you can be eating “healthy” but still feel bad cycle phases movement for health Caprisha also shares how you can tell if what you're experiencing is "normal" or a sign of something deeper going on. She leaves us with one big piece of powerful advice and she asks ME a big question at the end of the episode, too! Find her on instagram @caprivanaa to tune into her stories and sneak