Hedge Fund To Happiness

Break The Chains & Be the Change



Gayle King and the backlash of her actions  & Snoop Dog response how "We are the worst" to our own. Does two wrongs make a right aren't we all mourning the death of all these lives that were taken so tragically. As a people as black people why do we find it so hard to stand as one and unite. The youth is watching how we handle adversity they are watching how we treat each other. The most disrespected human on this earth is BLACK WOMEN-Is this what our ancestors sacrificed their lives for. We should all be ashamed. It's time we as black people start having some authentic dialogs amongst ourselves.  "It's time to break the chains and be the change" talk is cheap lets lead with action after we start having this much needed sit downs. This is not about money but about our legacy it's 2020. --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/andreapjackson/support