Jerry Royce Live - Worldwide




OVERCOMING ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST JESUS Peace be unto you in the Name of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Are you searching for your freedom? Do you want to be set free? Relieved from the pressures of life? I am praying this book will set you free because you are already free. God set you free! “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed (John 8:36)”. Christ Jesus paid the price for your sins when He shed His blood on Calvary. Now, walk in your freedom. I am hoping you will be equipped and empowered with the weapons of mass destruction to release you from bondage. It’s time to take your freedom and joy back. God has given you freedom to fulfill your purpose.Ms. Sherika SadlerShe is an Evangelist, Author, Poet, Actress, Public Speakers, and a Veteran who served 8 years in the United States Army Reserve. She was born in Norfolk, VA. She is a graduate of Norfolk State University and University of Maryland University College. She was called to Evangelism, specifically Street Outrea