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EPISODE 76 - SERENITI HALL ON JERRY ROYCE LIVE!Sereniti Hall is an urban fiction author who pulls her creative juices and characters from everyday life, from the people, places, and things she’s seen and encountered.While serving time in Marianna Federal Prison Camp, Sereniti didn’t want to waste her time being idle and wanted to have a foundation to build on upon her release. After reading an urban fiction novel by the “Queen of Thug Fiction,” Wahida Clark and many others, Sereniti was inspired to begin her writing career shortly thereafter. She queried Ms. Clark, who signed her to a two book deal. And the rest, as they say, is her-story.In 2011, Sereniti Hall became the first Wahida Clark Publishing (WCP) author to have her novel Feenin’ listed as one of the top ten books for Street Literature in the Library Journal. Since then she has released the even hotter and banging sequel, Still Feenin’ and continues to surprise her readers novel after novel.Four generations of women souring with hurt, resentment, a