Jerry Royce Live - Worldwide




EPISODE 95 JERRY ROYCE LIVE!Rebecca Lopez, A.K.A. "GMG" , born and raised in New York , now resides in Florida. She is a survivor of addiction and abuse, who brings her words to the world to help others step out of the darkness, and find the strength to overcome their issues. Through "My Windows, My Soul" Rebecca Lopez, not only shows how she is a survivor, BUT THAT YOU ARE ONE TOO!!!My Windows My SoulThe scribes in this book come from the heart of a survivor of life's storms.Growing up a victim and in a household of domestic violence, I too livedThe horror life can bring.Yes I was a casualty of war!But I emerged a warrior from it all.You cannot keep blaming yourself for things that have happened, nor can you keep your mind in the past.Keeping you in prison, taking drugs and drinking just to get through the pain that is still left in you!!It took me many years to learn this.Instead of continuing to take things out on myself.I learned to survive picked up a pen.And now I write.I have been reborn from drugs and