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EPISODE 116 ON JERRY ROYCE LIVE!BOOK: RELEASED JULY 2014 - THE LESSONOne of the most interesting books I have ever read, and most intensely introspective July 17, 2014 BY S. POWELLThis was a fascinating, at times painful book to read. I really like Cynthia Blue's style, she can take the most mundane of scenes and make you want to know more, simply amazing. I could relate to the main character relatively quickly, even though I didn't necessarily sympathize with him. And there was a point midway through this book where I really felt like I was getting something from it . . . one of those life messages kind of things. I learned a lot from this book and intend to reread it many times.What happens when a man has almost everything he wants, and then decides he needs the total package? Or when a man receives the love he needs, but decides the giver isn’t enough? How do you let go of something you know, for what seems to be greener pastures?Find out these answers and more as The Lesson takes you inside the lives of t