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EPISODE 119 ON JERRY ROYCE LIVE!BOOK - What He Wanted - 5 STARS (AMAZON) REVIEWER - 5.0 out of 5 stars Love! Love! Love This Book!, July 9, 2014. This book was an amazing read. It captivated me from the beginning and I was all in. Sean was a sick and crazy human being. Stalking is definitely something you take seriously. Will be reading more from this author!ABOUT BOOK - After her father is murdered, Alexis Morgan is slowly starting to piece her life back together. She eventually returns to what has always brought her joy―dancing. But before she can get too comfortable, the cat and mouse games begin, all over again.Sean Edwards had waited a long time to make Alexis his wife, and now he feels the timing is perfect. Although a married man, Alexis has always been the apple of his eye. That’s why he refuses to allow anyone to stand in between their union, including his wife, her boyfriend, and the police.Will Alexis finally find the courage to stop running and fight for her life, or will she die at the hands of