Jerry Royce Live - Worldwide




EPISODE 132 JERRY ROYCE LIVE! 5.0 out of 5 stars A must read!, June 19, 2014Verified Purchase(What's this?)This review is from: Hello My Name Is... Forgiven (Kindle Edition)What I love is that Ms Balom really bears her soul as she shares her own story/ journey towards forgiveness. It is very honest and raw and I definitely think that her readers will connect as a result. Also, be prepared to WORK because the tips that she shares are very practical but also make you dig deeper. If you are ready and willing to do your work, this book will give you the tools to go there. am sharing my story in an effort to encourage and inspire someone else who may have walked or be walking a similar journey...When I first embarked upon the journey of starting my first business, Temple Body Fitness, I had a business partner and a lot of dreams. We had the common goal of helping people lose weight and live healthier lives. We struggled through the first few months building our clientele and our reputation. We grew through word of