Who Killed Theresa?

Let Them Be Hunted Soundly - WKT2 #28



I am honoured to receive the Senate Sesquicentennial Medal "in recognition of my valuable service to the nation."But fortune is a wheel...Music / Let Them Be Hunted Soundly - WKT2 #28I was originally also going to use Depeche Mode and Queen's Get Down Make Love. I cut way back.The music is De Natura Sonoris from The Shining, because it references so much we've used / talked about: Beatles Day In A Life, Pedro The Lion Winners, Pat Metheny, ELO, Genesis' Revine (which references Ken Burns' Vietnam), Syd's I've Got A Bike (then Floyd's Time).I wanted to go back to something simpler, not so polished... my old (not-so-confident, stuttering ) self. Where you're not completely sure where the soundtrack will come in = tension.