Hope Rescue

The True Purpose for Your Life | Episode 169 | Hope Rescue Podcast



Imagine that your life is like a wheel with eight spokes. A wheel will keep moving if one of your spokes is broken, but if multiple spokes are not balanced, your wheel will collapse. In a balanced life, each spoke supports one another. They work together to create a balanced life. In this series, Tim and Kimberly are covering the eight categories they recommend balancing in our lives: our minds, our emotions, our spirits, our bodies, our social lives, our finances, our unique purposes, and our homes. Welcome back to our series on living a balanced life. Last week, Tim and Kimberly shared the sixth area in our lives to find balance: our finances. This week they are continuing the conversation by discussing how to find balance in our purpose. To purchase Tim's new book "Breathe": https://www.hoperescue.org/product-page/breathe For more information on this particular show, be sure to check out the show notes on https://www.hoperescue.org/ If you enjoyed listening, please head over to iTunes and leave us a review