On Point With Alex Pierson

Lindsay Shepherd: The modern day witch hunt



Lindsay Shepherd did nothing wrong—and yet she has been dragged through a modern day witch hunt.  And it will continue. After all—her critics don’t like to hear an inconvenient truth. Even though the University’s President has come out with a clear and unequivocal statement exonerating her, there will still be legions of people who come up with a justification at every turn. It’s rather simple. Clearly laid out in University President Deborah Maclatchey’s own words. There was NEVER a formal or even informal complaint levelled against Shepherd. There NEVER should have been a meeting. Her superiors had NO right to discipline her or accuse her of creating a toxic environment. Yet, Shepherd was censured because she showed her students a clip of Jordan Peterson on TVO. Peterson refuses to use pronouns in describing transgendered people. And for that Ms. Shepherd was accused of invoking Hitler. The president stated- not only was it fair to use that clip, but it was perfectly reasonable to use it as a teaching t