Noob Spearo Podcast

NSP197 Australia East Coast Part 3 Simon Horvath | Advocacy in Spearfishing



Interview with Simon Horvath Today's interview is with Simon Horvath! If nothing else, this episode will convince you to join a spearfishing club! The wealth of knowledge, opportunities and lessons you get through being in a club is a sure way to get better at spearfishing and have a great time doing it. A club will help get you through that first year, teach you things you would have otherwise taken years to learn and ultimately make you a better diver. Another important benefit is being connected to the voice of spearfishing in your area. With so many stories about new protected areas essentially making spearfishing inaccessible and illegal, having a connection your local government to have your voice heard as a spearfisherman is extremely important. Simon has been playing this role for the Central Coast spearos and been a voice for fisho's and spearos alike. Go find out about your local clubs and join! If there are none, consider starting one yourself! Important times: 00:13 Intro 03:45 We are midway thro