3 Minutes With Kent

React Testing Patterns



I had a friend send me this testing code: describe('handleChangeStatusConditionSearchText', () => { test('should handle changing status search text within FormWizard', () => { const wrapper = shallow(); const state = { ...wrapper.instance().state, statusConditionSearchText: 'poop' }; wrapper.instance().handleChangeStatusConditionSearchText('poop'); expect(wrapper.instance().state).toEqual(state); }); }); And I had a few concerns with it, so I decided to record my thoughts :) (Learn more about enzyme (https://github.com/airbnb/enzyme) and shallow rendering (https://github.com/airbnb/enzyme/blob/f3bbfd3c2b1ae5c09d50fa0429d0dd599d3bbe82/docs/api/shallow.md), and then never shallow render again...