Cambie Report

E-71 Coupar quits



The wild summer lead up to the municipal elections continues!John Coupar quits the race for mayor following another bad poll for him.The Vancouver Plan passes, with plenty of amendments, including an amended amendment that drew the ire of Black Vancouverites.A Kitsilano social housing complex also passed, also after 300 speakers. But the controversy played a part in the decision to quit by BC Housing's CEO.We also know how little Port Coquitlam will save by leaving the LMLGA, which doesn't really explain why they left.Dan Fumano exposes that Lululemon founder Chip Wilson is rallying BC's elite to stop socialism. There seems to be a connection between this new group and Views of Vancouver, who continue to spend significantly on ads in Vancouver.Vancouver's Fire Chief ordered the urgent removal of tents along Hastings, which is already postponed.Ken Sim backtracks on ABC's plan to abolish the Parks Board.VOTE Socialist announces its candidates and platform, including 50c transit.Green candidate Zahra Esmail qui