Fowl Players Radio

Season 9 Episode 17- Johnny Laing- "The Baltimore Bomb", Fatherson Productions



NOW AVAILABLE ON FOWL PLAYERS RADIO- Johnny Laing- Film Producer-Fatherson Productions can also follow us on YouTube! Please hit the SUBSCRIBE button and the LIKE button and tell all of your friends! You can also find the audio version of Fowl Players Radio on most Podcast Platforms- please follow us and give us a fair, honest review!They call the city I grew up around "Small-timore" because after a while. you find that everyone really does know each other eventually.....I recently ran into an old friend from the neighborhood, Johnny Laing! We were catching up on Facebook, and we discovered that Johnny is with Fatherson Productions, and just released a movie called "The Baltimore Bomb". We talked about the movie, the familiar (to us) locations  it was filmed in, and much more!www.fathersonproductions.coThe Fowl Players of Perryville will be returning to the Western Maryland Scenic Railroad on August 13, September 10, Oc