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Master Your Time And Understand Your Strengths With Nancy Mackay And Her CEO Forums – Episode 179



Expedite your impact and become the game changer you aspire to be. Experience the exponential growth others are feeling every day. Nancy Mackay is CEO & founder of Mackay CEO Forums. Leading the industry charge, Nancy surrounds herself with like-minded entrepreneurs who want to master their time, experience their passions and exploit their strengths. Nancy and her team provide the tools, formulas and peer sessions to populate the world with better leaders and more expedient industry shortcuts. Get the job done with those who have paved the path before you. Connect yourself with mentors, coaches and industry leaders who are clear on their vision, goals and competencies. The results will astonish you. Book of the Day Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers Resources MacKay CEO Forums - Populate the World With Better Leaders The CEO Edge Podcast - How to Deliver a Great Customer Experience in an Exponential World Mentions Dean Jackson - also at AES Nation Joe Polish - also at AES