Fowl Players Radio

Season 9 Episode 16- Paul Castiglia- Comic Book Writer, Editor- Archie, Cracked, and More!!



NOW AVAILABLE ON FOWL PLAYERS RADIO- Paul Castiglia- Writer-Editor- Archie Comics, Cracked Magazine, and More!!You can also follow us on YouTube! Please hit the SUBSCRIBE button and the LIKE button and tell all of your friends! You can also find the audio version of Fowl Players Radio on most Podcast Platforms- please follow us and give us a fair, honest review!When I was a boy back in the mid-1970's, my grandparents used to take my aunt and I to Assateague Island every summer for a week or two for vacation. It was a long, hot ride down Route 50, much of which at the time was only two lanes. To keep me from being a typical kid and barraging my grandparents with "Are we there yet? Are we there yet?" my grandparents used to stop at the store and get me comic books to read in the car to keep me occupied. These comics were Superboy, Superman, and Archie and Little Archie. Recently, I met Paul Castiglia, who is a comic book writer and editor known for his work for Archie Co