Humboldt Last Week

254. Arrestees racist? | Disaster averted | Eureka park | ACV upgrades | TV/film news | More



Accused racial-slurring assaulters from a July 4 incident in Eureka were arrested, our coastal waters almost suffered a devastating fuel spill, another Eureka park is getting a makeover, a repaved runway is coming to ACV in addition to more parking, Ferndale-exported director Jacob Cooney’s kids' movie ‘The Junkyard Dogs’ starring Denise Richards is out August 5, the TV drama “For All Mankind” referenced Humboldt County weed, Arcata’s former McKinley statue is eyeing a new perch in Ohio, a book-banning attempt in Curry County took aim at the LGBTQ community, the Redding area’s extremist developments made international news, a man accused of pointing an air rifle at passing motorists was found stabbed and unconscious, the reintroduction of sea otters is being explored for the North Coast, a UFC fight for Hoopa export Orion Cosce, event suggestions, and more. Humboldt Last Week is Humboldt County’s news podcast brought to you in collaboration with STIL, Primal Decor, Belle Starr Clothing, North Coast Co-op, Bo