

What does God want from us? It’s a confusing and frustrating question, but we can find a helpful answer in Micah 6:1-8 where God gives Israel a clear answer.   Three things the Lord requires: do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with your God. So, what does this answer mean?   Do Justice: In the original Hebrew, the term is “misphat”, meaning justice. Justice is advocacy, generosity, and action. The early church was famous for all three of these: advocacy for racial and gender equality, generosity in their provision for the poor, and action in rescuing babies from infanticide and women from pagan temple prostitution. Many scholars point out that the early church grew at an astonishing rate in part because of how the people of God reflected the beautiful heart of God in justice through these actions, and people couldn’t resist this beauty. Love Kindness: The English translates this requirement as kindness, but the Hebrew word, “chesed,” can be translated as steadfast love. But perhaps the best ap