Nasfaa's Off The Cuff Podcast

OTC Ask Regs Experts: FAFSA Updates and Pell Recalculation Dates



This week on "Off the Cuff," Justin is joined by NASFAA Senior Policy Analyst Jill Desjean and NASFAA U Instructor David Tolman to discuss regulatory updates from the Department of Education (ED) that directly impact the Pell Grant program and FAFSA guidance. Jill walks members through the latest news concerning updates coming to the FAFSA, impacts of early implementation provisions, as well as what’s coming down the road for the 2024-25 award year. David then provides details on the terminology behind the “Pell Recalculation Date,” and highlights some confusion members have had on the topic. Hugh then shares some recent news from the NASFAA 2022 Virtual Conference and new data indicating that FAFSA completions are on the rise.