License To Parent With Trace Embry

Influence on the Entertainment Industry with Dr. Ted Baehr [Podcast]



Too many parents look at entertainment, in general, but movies in particular, as a harmless engagement of time that allows us to escape into a world free of all the responsibilities and liabilities of life long enough to be refreshed in preparation for the real-world responsibilities of life. And, I think that for the most part, that’s exactly right. Just like, for the most part, cars are simply modes of transportation. They are not designed to ruin your life; but, to simply get you from place to place in a timely fashion. The problem is that too many people, particularly kids, get more than merely refreshed from movies and more than just where they're going with cars. Both cars and movies have liabilities to them and can even be dangerous to one degree or the other. The difference with movies over cars is that nobody is making a car that’s purposely designed to hurt/corrupt you or your kid. But, filmmakers can sometimes create movies with agendas that transcend mere entertainment value and, therefore, making