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Free Us From Bullying Part 2 with Paul Coughlin [Podcast]



Paul Coughlin, President and Founder of the Protectors, founded in 2005, was born from personal experience and a unique understanding into a fundamental weakness to existing anti-bullying programs. As a Target of bullying while in elementary school, Paul knows just how damaging such a campaign of cruelty can be to a person’s emotional and psychological wellbeing—damage that can harm a person well into adulthood. Some never recover. Practical Steps for Parents of Bullying Victims What are some of the most common mistakes parents make when a child approaches their parent about being bullied? First, a parent may tell their child to “just ignore it.” This is a fallacy and dangerous advice. A bully is looking to overpower and overwhelm, so they will choose the child that they believe won’t push back. When a child doesn’t push back, it is seen as a sign of weakness and an invitation to more aggressive action against them. In contrast, we need to teach our children how to use and wield the power of their words. They