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Assassination Generation with Dave Grossman [Podcast]



I asked a group of our SHA kids how many had armed guards in their schools. About 75%—80% of their hands went up. Several more knew a school near them where a shooting had happened; and, one student had a shooting take place in the very school she attended. I can jog to a school from where we sit right now that had a shooting just a couple of years ago. And, in the late 90s, I went to church with a family, who’s kid would play all kinds of crazy music in our church parking lot after almost every service. About a year later this kid went on a shooting rampage in our small town, killing at least one person, shooting it out with police and then leading a police-chase all the way to the Florida line--about a 300-mile trek. And, when they caught him, I was watching him being arrested by Florida police on my TV screen in little Martin, GA. Col. Dave Grossman is a US Army Ranger, a paratrooper, and a former West Point Psychology Professor. He has a Black Belt in Hojutsu, the martial art of the firearm, and has been