Leigh Martinuzzi

1045 Dr Ronesh Sinha - Optimal Health & Wellness



Optimal Health & Wellness I speak with Dr Ron Sinha about metabolic health and how we can improve it. As a physician and the world’s leading insulin resistance expert, Dr Ron has much to share. As a highly sought-after wellness speaker in Silicon Valley, Dr Ron has first-hand experience working with individuals and companies to help improve overall health and wellness in the lifestyle dynamics of the 21st century. Discussing everything from exercise and diet to sleep and wearables. It will inspire change! Guest Bio. Dr. Ronesh Sinha is a physician and world’s leading insulin resistance expert. He is the author of The South Asian Health Solution, which has been a resource for readers worldwide on insulin resistance and heart disease prevention. He is also a highly sought-after wellness speaker in Silicon Valley who has given talks at TEDx Talks and Google. Dr. Ronesh is also the Chief Medical Officer of Silicon Valley Employer Forum (SVEF), a coalition of over 60 of the biggest tech employers in the world t