Zoomer Week In Review

Antisemitism Summit & Homecare Priorities



This week the government convened two summits to combat hate: one on Islamophobia, one on Antisemitism. The circumstances of the latter gathering were dictated by the alarming rise in hate against the Jewish community. It was mostly closed to the public to ensure the safety of those participating. Former federal justice minister Irwin Cotler, now Canada's special envoy for preserving Holocaust remembrance and combating antisemitism, was front and centre. Libby reached him in Montreal. AND The pandemic has changed the way we see ageing and our priorities for healthcare as the virus fades. According to the National Institute on Ageing, older Ontarians want adequate homecare while the government is focused on building new LTC homes. And the homecare system is dysfunctional - with the public agency the PC’s promised to abolish still in place while private companies deliver the care. Libby talked to leading geriatrician Dr. Samir Sinha, who is the NIA’s Director of health policy research