Zoomer Week In Review

Back to School Anxiety & Zoomers go to School



This time of year marks an annual rite of passage for many as parents send their kids off to university for the first time. Heading back to school no matter the age, often brings its own challenges and one of them this time is anxiety about being separated from families after months of togetherness. Now add into the mix, a pandemic with worries about distancing, vaccines and new ways to socialize. It can all seem overwhelming for parents and students. Dr. Sam Klarreich is a Toronto psychologist with some advice on how to mitigate these extra challenges. AND Bird watching? Or cooking? Just two popular courses offered for older adults this year thru the Toronto District School Board’s Learn 4 life program that serves older adults. Register now for not only credit programs but general interest courses and it seems the pandemic has boosted the number of older adults wanting to learn something new. Belkis Romero is a continuing education program manager with the Toronto District School Board.