Zoomer Week In Review

Post-Election Panel & New Air Pollution Guidelines



Was it a 600 million much ado about nothing? The dust is settling on the federal election that did little to shift the balance of power in Ottawa. Call it groundhog day, or deja vu, but Justin Trudeau returns to power again to form a minority government. No leaders have stepped down, but Trudeau failed to secure a majority, Erin O'Toole and Jagmeet Singh failed to achieve breakthroughs for the Conservatives and N-D-P, and the leaders of the People's Party of Canada and the Green Party failed to win their seats. Zoomer News VP Libby Znaimer assembled a group of political pundits to weigh in. AND Citing air pollution as one of the biggest environmental threats to human health, the World Health Organization has just introduced new guidelines aimed at reducing deaths from key pollutants that cause cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. The agency believes these new stricter rules could save millions of lives after finding air pollution’s impact on health is far worse than previously thought. We reache