Zoomer Week In Review

House Payment Gifts & Recognizing Signs of a Stroke



Have you helped an adult child buy a home by giving them a large cash gift? With housing prices through the roof, two thirds of first time buyers say the Bank of Mom and Dad was the main source of their down payment. And according to a new report from CIBC , Canadian parents kicked in a total of $10 billion last year - with the average gift here in Toronto topping $130,000. Libby Znaimer talked with CIBC economist Benjamin Tal for the story behind these numbers. AND Like every other medical procedure, the treatment for stroke was set back because of the pandemic with many patients waiting too long to go to the hospital. This week marked World Stroke Day - a good time to go over the signs, symptoms and most of all the timeline for ensuring a good recovery. Libbt talked with Dr. Atif Zafar, Director of the Comprehensive Stroke Program at St. Michael’s Hospital.