Ciara's Podcast

In Sacred Conversation with Marley: Farewell Cork. Hello London



It's episode 2 of Ciara and Catherine. Mother (Marley) and daughter. Sacred conversations in the now. To be remembered in the generations to come.In this episode, we've travelled from Marley growing up in 1940s Cork (check out episode 1 if haven't yet) onto her brave journey into London. So young. Arriving in 1961 at just 19 years old.From the localised domain of Cork to exploring the wider world. Not only did Catherine as a very young woman experience friendship, kindness and great synchronicity in London, she also travelled further afield to Italy and back to Dublin before a longer period in London.Where she met the man she went on to marry.Join us in these intimate conversations. And may they spark great fondness and possibility in you.In the next episode, we travel onwards with the young married couple, to Africa. Find out more about Ciara and her work: