Ciara's Podcast

The Cork woman moves to Africa with her English husband



In episode 3, we travel with Marley leaving London, soon after marriage to Philip. On their first adventures living in another land, to South Africa.Arriving in an apartheid Johannesburg. The reality of this meant certain workforces were trained in use of firearms as standard (my Dad included) and being stopped by the police for having our nanny Emily riding upfront. Such white hierarchy.Nonetheless, Marley discovered a deeper relationship with yoga, going on to train as a teacher. And met lifelong friends. Bringing all this back to 1977 Ireland! Alongside her practical knowledge of nutrition. Can you see where the yoga and nutrition seed might have been planted for me, Ciara - her daughter?!The mother/daughter conversations continue (bear in mind you don't hear the edits!!) and we land in Lusaka, Zambia in the next episode.