



Wind turns back the sheets of the field.What needs to sleep, sleeps there.What needs to rest.风把田野的被单揭开。凡是需要睡下的,都在那里睡下。凡是该休息的也都已经歇息。 The door has fallen from the moon.It floats in the slough, all knob and hinges.门从月亮上掉下来,带着把手和铰链,漂在沼泽地里。Now the moon's so openanything could walk right through.此时的月亮是这样通透,不管是什么都能从正面穿过去。 Only the fox is travelling.One minute he's a cat, the next a coyote.只有狐狸在四下行走。它一会儿是只猫,一会儿又像是郊狼。Enough light to see byyet my mouth lies in darkness.What needs to sleep, sleeps there.What needs to rest.光线足够用来看清身边的事情,可是嘴巴却躺在黑暗里。凡是需要睡下的,都在那里睡下。凡是该休息的也都已经歇息。 Outside my mind, the wind is reckoning.Always there is somethingto figure out.在我的心外,风还在盘算着。总像是有什么心事一定要合计出来。朗读 | Flora Fang / BGM |《つぼみ》