Elle Rambles

Peak Week: Nutrition, Training, & Digestion



In this week’s episode, Jules and Elle discuss the details of training, nutrition, and digestion during peak week as competitors prepare to step on stage. 
The topics in this episode are as followed in order: 1. The purpose of peak week 2. Training during peak week 3. Terminology: full, depleted, flat, spilling over, vascular, tight, striated, watery 4. Last workout before show day 5. Nutrition: depletion and refeeding 6. Carb loading 7. Preparing natural athletes 8. Are you ready for your show? 9. Water and sodium 10. Cutting out foods during peak week 11. Digestion 12. Foods to eat and avoid on show day 13. Bloating 14. Water retention 15. Cutting and loading water 16. Red flags to look for in your peak week plan Part 2 and 3 coming soon! Inquiring about training with BestFit Body? Head over to: www.bestfitbody.com OR email Jules directly at bestfitbody@gmail.com Check out our different programs: Basic Level Lifestyle Program: https://bestfitbody.com/basic-training-lifestyle-program/ Road