The Ragged Edge Radio ....with Russ Dizdar

Episode 1719: SRA UPDATE part 40 C THEY ARE DOOMED..... unless they get out now


Sinopsis CIA exposé to end all CIA exposés." ―New YorkA 'Manchurian Candidate' is an unwitting assassin brainwashed and programmed to kill. In this book, former State Department officer John Marks tells the explosive story of the CIA's highly secret program of experiments in mind control. His curiosity first aroused by information on a puzzling suicide. Marks worked from thousands of pages of newly released documents as well as interviews and behavioral science studies, producing a book that 'accomplished what two Senate committees could not' (Senator Edward Kennedy). From THE LIVE RAGGED EDGE RADIO BROADCAST/SHATTER LIVE TV WEBINAR RUSS DIZDAR © the restrainer was removed, devastation followed. This is the very picture that Paul presents in 2 Thessalonians 2. There is a restrainer in place right now, held secure by the Lord. But it will not remain there forever. A time is coming when the restrainer will be removed. On that day, people