L3 Leadership Podcast

Brian Moran on The 12 Week Year: How to Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Most do in a Year



Episode Summary: In this episode of the L3 Leadership Podcast, Brian Moran discusses his framework for the 12 Week Year and shares how you can get more done in 12 weeks than most can in a year. 5 Key Takeaways:Brian shares his definition of accountability and what that means in relation to other people as a leader. He discusses why he wrote his book, The 12 Week Year.Brian talks about how shortening the timeframe to achieve a goal can bring clarity, momentum, and stress reduction.He shares the framework he provides leaders with to achieve their goals in the 12 Week Year.Brian discusses how he reviews his execution and results to accomplish more. About Brian: Brian is the CEO and founder of The Execution Company. He is a highly respected expert and accomplished executive who has developed a well-versed business perspective from his vast experience in consumer products, healthcare, food service, automotive and transportation and professional service sectors.Brian is the co-author of the New York Times bestselle