Amber Leitz

6 Reasons Why Using a Jade Egg is Better Than Kegels



Listen on the blog for full resources: Raise your hand if anyone has ever suggested to you to do kegels. *Raises hand* Maybe they told you (and by they -- maybe it was your doctor, a magazine, your best girlfriend or your gynecologist) to do kegels to strengthen your pelvic floor -- or give you a "tight pussy". Maybe you'd just given birth and you were googling like a mad woman to find out what would "fix" your pussy and make it good as new again. Or maybe you just heard about this vagina fad and you decided to hop on board and see what would happen. Nothing is right or wrong -- but I want to offer you an alternative to kegels and share with you my sensual insights on why I think using the jade egg is a million times better than doing kegels. In this podcast episode I dive into: What kegels are & why they're not actually helping you get the pussy and pelvic floor you want 6 reasons why using a jade egg is better than doing kegels The sexual, phys