Amber Leitz

Expanding Your Erotic Capacity, Getting Off On Your Shame & Finding Pleasure Through Contraction



LISTEN ON MY WEBSITE FOR FULL RESOURCES: I woke up on Sunday morning feeling my inner erotic muse yearning for me to share, speak out loud and express the erotic experience I had the night before during a partnered Erotic Play Date with Andy (aka a sex date). I was snuggled up next to Scarlet that morning trying to sleepily shake off the urge to get up and record a podcast, hoping to ignore it for a "better time." My inner erotic muse is quite the seductress and I realized it was pointless trying to fight or subdue her for a more convenient time. She wanted to express herself NOW.  The words for this podcast episode started to move through me, calling me to take action. So I did. I was staying at Andy's parent's house so I had to sit out in my car (in about devotion) for some privacy and quietude. I intended for this to be only about 15 minutes long, but it just kept pouring o