Amber Leitz

How to Open Yourself to Deep Fucking & Get Off During Penetration



LISTEN ON MY WEBSITE FOR FULL RESOURCES: As you’ll hear in this week’s episode of the Reclaiming Your Eroticism podcast, I’ve had quite an interesting journey with vaginal sex over the years. It was only about five years ago now that penetration for me was my least favorite sexual activity, because it was either numb, painful or unfulfilling. I would often think to myself things like… I wish he’d hurry up and finish When will it be over so I can roll over and go to sleep or finish watching that episode on Netflix? Is this really all there is? Is this how sex is going to be for the rest of my life? Is THIS it? What’s wrong with me? Why am I so broken? Sex doesn’t feel that good and I can’t orgasm with him… If you’re feeling any of this, know that you’re not alone AND it’s not permanent. Penetration is literally my favorite thing now…it feels so orgasmic…(never thought I’d be saying that!) and I can’t wait to s