Collections By Michelle Brown

Collections by Michelle Brown wsg Mike Henderson/BAG Travel (Part Two)



You don't have to go into the old record vault and listen to Margaret Whiting's song to have those "Those far away places with the strange-sounding names " call you. Just tune in here and listen to our latest conversation with The Black & Gay (BAG) Collective​ founder/CEO Mike Henderson​ and you will hear the call. From national parks to places "Far away over the sea" the road will be calling you!! Are you ready to recover from winter’s cabin fever, to get out of the house and hit the road? Are you trying to decide how to use those accumulated vacation days and dreaming of faraway places, hanging out with friends, or meeting new friends? Our friend, adventurer, traveler, and founder/CEO of BAG travel Mike Henderson has some great ideas for your consideration. From Memorial Day through New Year’s Eve, it’s one adventure after another not just at some National Parks but trips to Mexico, Europe, and beyond. Whether you’re traveling with BAG travel or on your own, Henderson offers tips to traveling drama