For Fit Sake

Episode 45: Joe O'Brien



The impact of a sound health conscious routine on mental health is something that we have discussed on the For Fit Sake Podcast before. It is a current issue and something that our listeners want to hear more of. It is an area that our team at FFS Gyms is trying to become more conscious of and improve how we handle mental health issues with our clients, particularly around their training and nutrition.  Joe O'Brien of Spectrum Mental Health joined the team at FFS for an in service day and then jumped into the studio with Rory and Aoife (Yes we have replaced Darragh already!) Main talking points Psychology of behaviour change and the stages of change people go through (forming new habits) The statistics behind dieting and it’s success rates, and what does contribute to success Disordered eating (specifically binge eating), body image & some of the problems with dieting How to manage mental health in the fitness industry and what PT’s and fitness professionals can do with clients Mindset shifts for c