Stay Grounded With Raj Jana

231. Justin & Leigh: The Deepest Silence You’ve Ever Known



“Tuning into silence is just taking time to listen to nothing in particular… just tuning into the simple essence of what is.”The WHO has ranked noise pollution as only second to air pollution in its impact on human well being. Our world has become noisier and noisier. We’re constantly bombarded with stimuli and notifications competing for our attention. As a result, it’s becoming harder than ever to disconnect from external chaos and sink into the depths within. Justin Zorn & Leigh Marz are the authors of Golden: The Power of Silence in a World of Noise. Their perspectives and work on reclaiming the presence of silence in our lives has been taught to the U.S. Congress, Harvard, and Google. Justin & Leigh are committed to empowering people to reclaim silence in their lives - so they can experience the joy of connection, rest, and deep listening. Justin & Leigh are here to remind us that silence does exist in the world. We just have to find it, honor it, and sink into it. In turn, we’