Feelin Weird

Emotional Stewardship & Internal Community Belonging (Patreon Bonus ep 71)



In which I sit beside the river and share ideas about decolonizing the inner landscape, slowing down & shifting the Emotional Climate-Change (within every humyn on this planet). Also discussed: Grieving and celebrating as part of honouring life; Carrying grief from ancestors; Sensitivity as a gift to humyns; Colonial mindset ("it only has value if I decide it has value") vs Community mindset ("everything has intrinsic value whether or not I understand it"); "I don’t own my emotions"; Climate change as humyns forgetting how to belong; PEACE as a fluctuating state (like the seasons and emotions); Welcoming my anxious parts; Being a part of the earth system and the internal system; Being PART of community; Meditation & rest; “I’m too busy to rest and slow down”; The dominator/colonial mindset (the anthropocentric mindset); Remembering how to belong (to self and community); Remembering how to be apart of the non-humyn community; Decolonization (starts within—how I treat my self, my body, my emotions); Inn